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Remix: The React framework you should check out in 2023
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
January 26, 2023 9 min

Remix: The React framework you should check out in 2023

The Remix React Framework, an open-source framework released late in 2021, is winning fans with its minimalist approach and impressive power. It's simple to use…

Storybook Vs. Bit: What's the difference
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
January 25, 2023 20 min

Storybook Vs. Bit: What's the difference

Wondering what the difference is between Storybook and Bit? This article breaks it down for you, so you can choose the right tool for your project. Sometimes…

Untangling Remix Optimistic UI With Multiple Destinations
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
November 12, 2022 7 min

Untangling Remix Optimistic UI With Multiple Destinations

One of Remix's coolest features is the useTransition hook, which provides the basis for an "Optimistic UI" experience. You can read about this in the official…

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GatsbyJS and
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
October 08, 2020 3 min

GatsbyJS and

Embedded assets can be a pain sometimes. A lot of the time, the embed code you are given just doesn't work out of the box. This is doubly true with Gatsby…

Publishing Posts with Remark
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
September 23, 2019 3 min

Publishing Posts with Remark

At the time of writing this post, MachineServant uses Remark for blog posts. It's super simple to use and keeps the blog posts directly inline with the code for…

Building MachineServant Part 1
Evan Stern
Evan Stern
September 17, 2019 3 min

Building MachineServant Part 1

There are numerous blog posts explaining how to build your website and host it using Gatsby and Netlify. I won't be diving into the details too heavily but I…
